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1967-1976 Canterbury e dintorni - parte quinta

Indice Articoli

Steve Hillage - L

(Virgin, 1976)

Elenco tracce

A1 - Hurdy Gurdy Man (Donovan P. Leitch)

A2 - Hurdy Gurdy Glissando (M. Giraudy, S. Hillage)

A3 - Electrick Gypsies (S.Hillage)

B1 - Om Nama Shivaya (Kesar Singh Nariula / Uma Nanda)

B2 - Lunar Musick Suite (M. Giraudy, S. Hillage)

B3 - It's All Too Much (George Harrison)


·         Guitar, Synthesizer [Guitar, Arp, Ems], Voice, Shenai – Steve Hillage

·         Bass – Kasim Sulton

·         Computer [R.m.i. Keyboard Computer], Synthesizer [Moog], Piano [Acoustic] – Roger Powell

·         Drums – John Wilcox

·         Featuring – Todd Rundgren's Utopia

·         Guitar, Synthesizer [Guitar, Arp, Ems], Voice, Shenai – Steve Hillage

·         Hurdy Gurdy [15th Century] – Sonja Malkine

·         Tabla – Larry Karush

·         Trumpet, Trumpet [Tibetian], Temple Bells [Tibetan Bells], Tambura, Voice – Don Cherry

·         Voice [Lady], Other [Isis Vibes] – Miquette Giraudy

·         Producer, Engineer – Todd Rundgren


Produced and Engineered at The Secret Sound, Woodstock, N.Y. May - June 1976.
"Lunar Musick Suite" recorded exclusively at full moon, May and June.
Todd Rundgren's Utopia appear by courtesy of Bearsville Records

Dedicated to all optimistic visions of the future.


Brevi note critiche

Il disco ottenne un notevole successo (12 settimane in classifica del Regno Unito fino al 10° posto) soprattutto grazie a due cover molto psichedeliche “Hurdy Gurdy Man” di Donovan e “It’s All Too Much” di George Harrison. Fu proprio quest’ultima versione a convincermi a suo tempo a comperare il disco. E’ un disco in cui Hillage mette a frutto tutta l’esperienza maturata negli anni precedenti, specialmente nei Gong. Crea un suo stile personale che recupera sonorità psichedeliche e space-prog del passato ma nel contempo inventa uno suono anticipatore della psyco-trance che avrà successso negli anni ’90.

Proposte di Ascolto (clic pic)


  Steve Hillage - L (1976) [Full Album]



Autore : Giorgio Gotti, 01/01/2023